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Politics and Idols

I’m sure we all have reactions to this week’s Presidential election. Whether we are for or against the new president, it seems more and more people react to US politics in an extreme way these days. Instead of just feeling disappointed and sad with the results when their political candidate loses, many panic and become fearful for their future. Many believe that if their candidates are not in power, the world will end. They don’t look to see what common ground they have with the opponent, instead, they would demonize the candidate they don’t support. They don’t just consider that person is mistaken, but that they are evil. The divisiveness we see in politics today is a sign some have made politics into an idol. If their idol is threatened in anyway, the response is to panic and attack. Al Wolters, a philosopher, taught from a biblical perspective that the main problem in life is sin, and the only solution is God and His grace. He says we distort this view when we identify something besides sin as the main problem in this world, and that something besides God is the solution. This demonizes something that is not completely bad, and makes an idol out of something that cannot be perfectly good.

Tim Keller, in Counterfeit Gods, reasons that politics causes such divisions because we make a god out of having power. It is in our sinful nature to avoid dependence on God; instead, we seek control over our own lives. If a politician has similar ideology, some feel he can represent their ideals. They put their hope in these political leaders where it was once reserved for God. So, when a politician is not elected, they feel insecure and fear their power has been taken away. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, was the most powerful man on earth in his day. He was full of pride in all that he had accomplished, but he was insecure, fearing to lose his power. As a result, God caused him to lose his kingdom and his sanity. It was only when he realized that the power he had was given by God, and not earned by work or merit, was he restored, and became greater than before (Dan 4:34,36). If we think our way of life is dependent on our politicians, we will always be afraid and insecure. We need to understand all we have, all our success, is undeserving favor from God. It’s nothing of our own doing or from man. Only when we look to Jesus, who gave up his power to serve and save us, will we become secure in His love.



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