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From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.

The above phrase is also located in Isaiah 45: 6 and Psalms 50:1 which I shared with you in previous Sunday bulletins.  All God’s servant need to praise the name of the Lord now and forevermore.  The Psalmist tell us the reasons why God’s servant now and forevermore.

The Lord sits enthroned on high.  Philippians 2: 9 states God gave Jesus the highest honor and gave him a name above every name.  The reason why God to Jesus is because Jesus humbled himself to be a servant and obedient till death.  Revelation 5: 13 also mention the same idea.  The Lord not only enthrones on high but He knows the situation on this earth.  Exodus 3: 7 states the Lord “… indeed had seen the misery … I have heard them crying… I am concern about their suffering…” The Lord is not enthroned on high and do not know the condition of His people.  Our Lord knows the problem we have; seen the tears in our heart and is concern on our welfare now and tomorrow.  Our Lord is not like the idols who have ears but cannot hear; eyes but cannot see.  All we need to is pray to God.   

Another reasons why we need to praise the name of the Lord is in verses 6-7.  Our Lord raises and up lifts us when we are in our darkest and weakest stage of our life.  The condition described is “down to the dust” or the need is seem to be hopeless.  Our Lord can raise and uplift us.  When the Lord visited the Samarian woman; He needs to go to her.  This Samarian woman seem hopeless; yet the Lord seek her out. Many times the Lord seek out the needed and uplift them up.  Our Lord will seek you out when one is at the lowest point of life; God’s grace will uplift you.  There is no respect when a life is lower to like the dust and heap of ashes.  The wind blows, the dust and heap of ashes will disappear.   But the Lord’s grace will have a seat for you among the princes.   Mephibosheth [2nd Samuel 9] is an example.  Parents died; lived in a rugged land; handicapped.  David seek him out and place him in the king’s table amidst the princes.     We need to pray to the Lord; the Lord will raise and lifts you up.    Then we can say “ … your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” [Psalms 23: 6]

The name of the Lord is to be praised all the days of our life. 




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