短宣 Short Term Mission
Brazil Short Term Missions
Panama Short Term Missions
Youth Short Term Missions to Blackfeet, Montana
Family Short Term Missions to Appalachian Mountains – Lincoln County, West Virginia
Thailand Short Term Missions
Youth Short Term Missions: Monson, MA (2019)
青少年短宣 描述:蒙森,麻省(2019)
Guatemala Short Term Missions
United Kingdom Short Term Missions
普世宣教合作夥伴 Global Partners
Ambassadors for Christ (AFC)
Ambassadors for Christ (AFC) started with outreach to students and Chinese Bible Study Groups and later through literature distribution. AFC has focused on establishing campus ministries all across the U.S. in cities such as Dallas, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. AFC has launched into such forward reaching ministries as the development of a training and discipleship ministry, ministry in Europe, and a Chinese Mission Conventions in the US on the East Coast, West Coast and in the South. OCM has supported AFC financially and by sending OCM members to the Chinese Mission Conventions throughout the years.
Hope Bible Mission
希望聖經協會是一個非營利事工機構,與其他在瓜地馬拉和西班牙的全國機構一同合作, 並且還與不同的合作夥伴開始領導培訓計劃和倡議適切的教育課程,以加強當地的教會和社區。幾十年來,中宣會一直透過短宣隊和事工支持與希望聖經協會合作,成為多年的福音夥伴。
H.O.P.E. is a nonprofit ministry partnering with national organizations in Guatemala and Spain. H.O.P.E. works with a variety of partner organizations to develop leadership programs and education initiatives that strengthen the local church and communities. OCM has partnered with H.O.P.E. through Short term Missions and ministry support for decades.
Chinese Overseas Christian Mission
基督教華僑佈道會 神恩澤僑胞 福音遍全歐
我們的使命和策略是與志同道合的教會和福音機構攜手合作:佈道 – 向英國和歐洲大陸各地華人(留學生,移民,本土的下一代)傳福音並提供門徒訓練;栽培 – 裝備信徒建立健康整全的教會並服事當地社區;差傳 – 鼓勵信徒和教會向英國、歐洲大陸甚至更多地區的近文化和跨文化群體傳遞救恩;從而推動和促進神在英國和歐洲大陸各地興起成熟華人信徒的工作:
讀經營 – 為成熟的基督徒提供聖經裝備,塑造他們成為神話語的實踐者和傳達者,課程旨在激發研經興趣,培養研經能力,掌握聖經信息,更新學員靈命。PHAT – 每年夏季為期四天為全英國第二代華裔而設的營會。年末福音營 – 每年年底的大型福音性營會。其主要目標是福音佈道,將福音傳給慕道朋友,堅固初信徒的信仰,且讓有心委身的弟兄姐妹通過服侍來成長。根據營友對象的不同,年末福音營將分成兩個營會,一個是以家庭和職業人士為主的聖誕合家歡福音營,另一個是以學生為主的辭舊迎新學生福音營。SEEC – 每年復活節在南英倫的粵語學生的大會。ReGen -- 是為在英丶歐說英語的學生基督教大會。復活節門徒營 – 是每年復活節期間舉辦的大型基督徒栽培造就性營會。其主要目的是藉著營會挑戰基督徒在主裏的生命,學習順服、委身、跟隨、彼此扶持,彼此服事。TEE –「信徒進深」函授課程是為英國及歐陸的華人教會和信徒所設立,學員可以以函授方法,按適合自己的進度,在聖經、神學、靈命操練和事奉上得到進修的機會。Crossover –是為第二代華裔而設的短宣計劃。 義工項目 – 召募有心志的年輕信徒來實際參與我們的宣教事奉,讓信徒有機會了解宣教工場的第一線情況,親身體驗宣教士的生活,並在其中得到實際服事的訓練,效法耶穌謙卑服事的榜樣。建立教會和校園事工 -每週派遣牧者和宣教士到各地方教會和大學校園主領聚會、團契和查經。出板工作 -- 出板基督教書册和刊物。
Chinese Overseas Christian Mission
“Reaching the Chinese to reach Europe”
Evangelizing and discipling foreign students, immigrants, 2nd generation, and nurturing believers in the UK and Europe through partnership with churches and parachurch organizations. Equipping them to plant and develop churches/fellowships and to serve their communities. Encouraging disciplines to share the gospel both intra-culturally and cross-culturally throughout the UK, Europe and beyond (home countries).
Gospel Outreaches/Camps – around school breaks for Mandarin speaking students in different cities and campuses. Bible Camps – for nurturing believers. PHAT Camp – for ethnic Chinese 2nd generation in the summer. SEEC – South of England Easter Christian conference for Cantonese-speaking students. ReGen – Christian conference for English-speaking students. Easter Camp – for Mandarin speaking students discipleship. TEE – theological distance learning for believers. Crossover – STM program for next generation Chinese Christians. Volunteer Scheme – for recruiting and training young Christians to serve in and experience the mission field. Church Planting and Campus Ministry – weekly itinerary pastoral/missionary liaise with different churches, fellowships, and campuses. Publication – Christian periodicals, booklets, and leaflets.
DAI International
南亞國際發展協會的基本工作方法是先聽取意見,研究領導者的實際需求,然後設計解決這些需求的有效工具,並開始建立本地分配系統以使領導者能夠使用這些工具。協會編寫的每門課程都是以這種方式進行的,包括廣受歡迎的組織領導藝術碩士課程。通過不斷的培訓、指導、諮詢、和獲取關鍵資源,本地基督教領袖的誠信和效能不斷提高。 隨著新需求的確定或需求 的變化,協會的項目不斷增長和發展。
協會有34個事工中心,其專職人員專注於滿足其地區的需求。 目前,我們在80多個國家/地區工作,我們把這些地區劃分為9個區域-東非,西非,法語非洲,歐亞大陸,東亞,南亞,拉丁美洲,中東/北非和北美。
DAI’s basic approach is to listen first, research the real needs of leaders, then design tools that respond to those needs effectively and begin putting in place an indigenous distribution system to enable leaders to access those tools. Every course DAI has written came about this way, including the popular Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) program. Local Christian leaders grow in their integrity and effectiveness through ongoing training, mentoring, consulting and access to critical resources. DAI’s programs continue to grow and evolve as new needs are identified or needs change.
DAI has 34 ministry centers with full-time staff focused on serving their area’s needs. We currently work in over 80 countries, which we have organized into nine regions – East Africa, West Africa, Francophone Africa, Eurasia, East Asia, South Asia, Latin America, Middle East/North Africa and North America.
宣道培靈會 Mission Conferences
Chinese Missions Conference
節錄自: https://www.afcinc.org/差傳事工/有關華人差傳.aspx
The triannual Chinese Mission Convention (CMC) is more than a convention; it is evidence that God is at work. CMC is a ministry whose ultimate purpose is to challenge and mobilize Christian-Chinese and non-Chinese of the calling to be ambassadors for Christ in all walks of life, locally & globally, to reach Chinese, non-Chinese and unreached people groups. CMC is dedicated to empower individuals and churches to reach the world for Christ.
Over the course of five days you will hear messages from highly respected mission voices, attend workshops, talk with missionaries and agencies face to face, worship, and pray. Since its beginning CMC has been attended by well over 35,000 people; numerous churches, organizations, and individuals have been empowered and mobilized.
Praise the Lord for the way that He has blessed this ministry. Growing beyond the East Coast to the West, South and into Europe we are grateful for the many conventions that the Lord has allowed us to host since 1983. We are thankful to the Lord that CMC has been a tremendous platform for mobilizing Chinese to reach Chinese for Christ and for missions cross-culturally.
Excerpted from https://www.afcinc.org/en-us/mission/aboutcmc.aspx
Urbana Missions Conference
Urbana is a mission conference that takes place every three years and is run by Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Urbana brings together thousands of college students, recent graduates, ministry leaders, and others to learn about how they can be a part of God’s global mission. In the course of five days, participants hear messages and testimonies from around the world, attend various workshops and Bible studies, and engage in multicultural worship with thousands of other brothers and sisters in Christ. OCM has sponsored groups of college students to attend Urbana for the over 12 years.
Youth Challenge Missions Conference
Our youth group has been going to Challenge conference, a national mission conference for students in 7th grade - 12th grade for the last 10 years. This conference happens every 4 years and provides a catalytic environment to challenge students to live with a mission mindset every day.
長於家中的宣教士 OCM Home Grown Missionaries
除了支持福音伙伴的宣教士, 蒙主的恩典中宣會在這些年中亦長出了好幾位全時間宣教士, 他們擺上自己和家人來回應神的呼召。無論是在本地大學校園, 或是世界另一角落無得之民中服侍, 他們都是跟從基督、作他門徒的佳美見証。讚美主! 我們有 G, E, K, B 和E. 請繼為他們代禱。
Besides adopting missionaries from our mission partners, by his grace OCM over the years has bred some brothers and sisters who respond to God’s calling to dedicate themselves (and their families) to become full-time missionaries. Whether they minister domestically in campuses, or at the far end of the world to unreached people groups, they certainly exemplify their discipleship in following Christ’s mission on earth. We have G, E, K, B and E. Please continue to pray for them. Praise the Lord!